CSOsandbox Podcast Channel

Defining the difference between restructuring and transforming – and why it matters

Paul Hunter and Stuart Orr

While advances in technology continue to evolve other global forces have entered the equation (geo political unrest, climate, consequences of Covid) more recently. Nearly all have contributed to a loss of equilibrium in global markets and by definition, corporate performance. 

In this video I apply a brief history of Telstra to highlight the difference between a prosponsive program of transformation against the immediacy of a responsive adaptation; undertaken in the form of restructuring. My objective is to demonstrate the means to manage both at one time (ambidextrous strategic change); and to demonstrated that while the immediacy of restructuring is an imperative, a longer term solution (transformation) is desirable. The question is: "Is one more important than the other? ... and, does it matter?

This podcast is published by the Strategic Management Institute (www.smiknowledge.com), the research arm of PH Strategy and Leadership (www.phsandl.com) management consultants. Another associated web site is PHSANDL's strategy simulation tool, the Chief Strategy Officer (CSOsandbox) www.csosandbox.com.

More video based podcasts (Video Bites) can be found on YouTube CSOsandbox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwW1QK_4P31MtXyYGmJOyUg